Four Chaos Gods? Four services!
Does it sound strange to you? Good! That’s Chaos!
Jokes aside, here’s a description of the four services Brutal Paint has to offer, each of them being a tribute to one of the Ruinous Powers:
Painting Service
Behind this pretty name, hides around 80% of our activity. It’s actually quite simple: as long as it’s about painting miniatures for games using scales ranging from approximately 15 to 32mm, that’s the one. It includes countless game lines and brands, like Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar from Games Workshop and many, many more.
“Large models and busts”
Painting Service
As suggested, this service is about painting anything bigger than the “Wargame” category. Statues, busts, action figures, whether articulated or not, mainly over 10/15cm tall… These larger pieces will be visually appreciated in any your daily situation, thus making awesome decorations for a shelf, a glass display or a gaming room.
Painting Service
There’s nothing like a great and immersive table to play memorable games from your favorite licence, am I right? However, you must admit that only few people can really invest the time and energy to correctly paint their scenery elements. To save you from this trouble, check our dedicated painting service!
Painting Lessons
In french we usually say: “You’re never better served than by yourself”. Most of the time, this is true. But only if you have acquired the necessary skills beforehand! That’s why we offer to give friendly and personalized individual painting lessons to help you progress, whether you are a complete beginner or an already experienced artist in search of progress.
“Wargame” Painting Service
Your game miniatures like you’ve never seen them before
Khorne. Almighty God of Blood, Skulls and Fury. Who, better than him, could ever illustrate the insanely sadistic satisfaction you’re feeling when at the end of a game that was supposed to be balanced, you manage to completely annihilate your opponent? Complete victory. Rivers of blood, mountains of skulls offered to the Brazen Throne, whether voluntarily or not. Any wargame player inevitably ends up knowing this sensation, and always becomes secretly addicted to it. But if there’s one thing, one single thing that can ruin this divine euphoria, it’s living such a moment with unpainted miniatures. Yuck!
Let’s avoid the frustration: Brutal Paint is here for you! Here is how our painting service for Wargame-type minis works:
First of all, to be able to establish a quotation, we’ll ask you to send us a complete descriptive list of the miniatures you want us to paint, as well as the required quality level for each miniature or unit. For this service, you can choose from four levels, which are described and illustrated with some galleries just below.

Based on your list, we’ll then assign to each miniature or group of identical miniatures a category, among the following: Infantry, Elite, Character, Cavalry, Monster, Vehicle and Super-Heavy. Each category/level combination has an average unit price, that we’re then adjusting regarding your models’ specificities: we study each miniature individually and consider the size, amount of details and volume of work it represents, which ultimately allows us to send you the most honest and realistic quotation possible, all transparently.
Quality levels for the “Wargame” Service
Here are our four available quality levels for this service. Note that for any project, the miniature’s prepatation steps (stripping, mould line removal, gluing/assembling) as well as the final protection with matte spray varnish after painting are offered.
Also note that the highest level (Level 4, “Showcase”) is exclusively limited to the “Character”, “Monster” and in some rare cases, “Cavalry” categories. Most of the time, other categories of miniatures can only be painted to levels 1-3.
Level 1: Tabletop

Level 1 is the most requested overall, for one simple reason: it gives visual coherence plus a sensation of life and volume to any miniature at lower cost, even the basic infantry units of your army.
The level contains:
– A solid undercoat
– The application of the base colors
– Simple but effective shading
– Standard highlights (a single shade)
– A simple textured base
Our advice : Ideal and often sufficient for all “basic” miniatures: troops, small monsters, basic “weaker” numerous units, which die quickly in games.
Level 2: Tabletop +

Level 2 is an improved version of Level 1 that we created for customers who wanted slightly more polished finishes for their elite miniatures like squad sergeants, larger monsters or vehicles, without having to invest in a “Parade” service (level 3).
This contains all Level 1 as well as:
– More shades and hues
– Finer gradients
– Deeper and more detailed highlights
– Possibility with Level 2 to request options (charged extra) such as small O.S.L , N.M.M , small freehands , or more complex bases setups for example.
A very nice and reasonable way to make the key elements of your army stand out!
Level 3: Parade

Level 3 is generally the highest level that we offer for in-game miniatures.
It contains all of Level 2 as well as:
– An unlimited number of possible shades
– Very fine and fluid gradients
– Advanced Highlights and shading
– An elaborate base chosen by the customer
– On request: unlimited N.M.M / T.M.P / O.S.L , unlimited freehands (upon prior study)
Our advice : This level is really designed for the key pieces of your army or game box: unique miniatures , like your army leaders or your strongest monsters will shine and impress your opponents thanks to this quality level. Enough to give actual prestige and a unique identity to any army!
Level 4: Showcase
Then comes Level 4. The reason we’re describing this one separately is because it is only applicable to individual figurines (no groups or units, let alone armies): we’re only accepting “key” miniatures for this ultimate quality level. Characters such as army leaders, large monsters and massive creatures, or on some rare cases, cavalry pieces (horseback mounted general or a motorcycle riding hero, for example). Why so many limitations, could you ask?
Because for any level 4 service, our studio dedicates itself body and soul to the task!
– Additional projects are stopped.
– We no longer track work hours.
– And above all: the painter gives everything in his power to deliver the best possible result, without any other form of limitation!
It’s simply the highest quality of service that can be ordered from Brutal Paint.
Some examples of our quality levels for the “Wargame” miniature painting service
Level 1: Tabletop
Level 2: Tabletop +
Level 3: Parade
Level 4: Showcase
“Large models and Busts” Painting Service
A.K.A: How to show the world your hot-blooded passions.
Slaanesh. The Prince of Chaos, undisputed deity of extreme sensations, endowed with a particular sense of aesthetics. He’s the only one within the Black Pantheon that could embody the proud pleasure of being able to decorate one’s playroom, office or home with a beautiful piece such as a bust or a large figurine, carefully hand-painted and filled with striking details.
This is why Brutal Paint also offers, for the enthusiasts among you, this somewhat special painting service. Not dozens of toy soldiers here, but the desire to deliver to our customers what will become the centerpiece of their decoration. Something to introduce your universe to all your loved ones! Interested? Here’s how:
Start by reaching us to tell us all about your project: do not hesitate to literally spam us with pictures of your model, whether it is a bust or a full-length figurine, as well as references as to the rendering you are looking for. Inspirations, colors, everything is good to take! As you will see below, we offer three quality levels for this service. It’s up to you to make your choice thanks to their description and the few photos of examples we’ve joined below! (others will soon come to complete this page, don’t worry)
The models within this scale category being all extremely different from one another, the necessary study for the quote’s calculation is always performed on a case-by-case basis. No pricesheet or average unit fee for large models, but don’t worry: just like for Wargame type miniatures, be ensured that we will always put communication above anything else in order to clearly understand your needs and offer you the best service at the best possible price!
Quality levels for the “Large models and Busts” Painting Service
Whatever model you want us to paint, we offer three finish levels which mainly depend on the use the figure will have once painted. Let’s precise:

Level 1: Standard
The Standard level is particularly suitable for people who appreciate a particular universe or brand of figures and plan to have a certain number painted for a reasonable budget. The final goal will then be the overall rendering, more than an individual perfection. Do you want to give your favorite Funko Pops a unique and customized touch? Have you had the busts of the 20 18 Primarchs of the Imperium printed by our partner La Fabrik-3D (by any chance) and want to line them up on a pretty shelf without selling a kidney in the operation? Here is what this level consists of:
– Undercoat (spray or airbrush)
– Figure preparation (pre-shading)
– The application of the basic colors in gradients
– Standard highlights
– Realization of the most important details

Level 2: Memorable
Having a large individual figurine or a pretty, well-detailed bust painted by a professional can bring a unique and artisanal touch to the decoration of a room. To achieve this, the second quality level proposed by Brutal Paint actually focuses on a memorable final rendering.
This level includes all of Level 1 , as well as:
– Neater and deeper shadings and highlights
– A greater number of colors used
– Every single detail of the figure is treated
– The possibility with Level 2 to request options (charged extra) such as O.S.L , N.M.M or small freehands, when applicable
This level of finish will undeniably do justice to any large model, which will then prove itself worthy of your passion for its universe!
Level 3: Glorious
We had to include an unbeatable optional boss in our service, right? This alone is the reason for this third level. Equivalent to our wargame painting service’s “Level 4”, the goal here is letting our painter put all of his know-how at your disposal. Investing in our “glorious” quality for one of your models will ensure an inimitable rendering, signed Brutal Paint! It implies:
– Stopping any other ongoing projects
– Only passion will guide the painter’s hand
– No limit in your artistic choices
We can’t wait to show you what a largemodel looks like when painted at level 3!
“Scenery” Painting Service
‘Cause we don’t want no more epic battles taking place among stacked books and empty bottles.
Grandfather Nurgle. Everything that lives will inevitably end up embracing its generosity. From the green meadows of the Old World to the iridescent mountains of distant planets, the Master of Entropy is omnipresent whenever life flourishes in a place. The environments that have let him to expand his Garden are innumerable. Massive industrial megalopolises, dusty deserts, icy asteroids… wherever your adventures take place, they will inevitably end in the puffy arms of the God of Rot. So you might as well take the time to admire the landscape a bit, right?
At Brutal Paint, we like when a game remains etched in the memory of the players who lived it. And for that, there’s nothing better than an immersive table filled with details! To paint all your scenery pieces, here is our dedicated service!
If you would like us to paint some of your scenery elements, the first step is also to write us and send as many pictures as possible. Do not hesitate to give us details on the desired colors and atmosphere, as well as the desired level of quality (according to the descriptions below).
As with large models and busts, each quotation for this service is designed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the size of the pieces to be painted and the volume of details.
Your requirements are our priority and we will do our best to honor them at the most reasonable cost possible!
Quality levels for the “Scenery” Painting Service
Again, three levels of quality to choose from. It’s up to you to decide what suits you best, according to your expectations and your budget!

Level 1: Ambience
For this first level, the main thing is to make sure to give a general atmosphere to your setting. At a lower budget, this finish will allow you to play your faithful miniatures among colorful and contrasted, , immediately recognizable and readable environments.
Here is what the Level 1 scenery painting service includes:
– Undercoat (spray or airbrush)
– Piece preparation (pre-shading)
– The application of the basic colors in gradients
– Standard highlights
– Realization of the most important details
This level is more than enough to create a actual atmosphere for your games!
More examples of Level 1 scenery pieces:

Level 2: Immersion
Slightly more expensive, the “Immersion” level will allow you to push the details of your games’ setting one step further, for a lively and unique play area!
This level includes all of Level 1 , as well as:
– Neater and deeper shadings and highlights
– A greater number of colors used
– Every single detail of the scenery is treated
– Small O.S.L if requested
– The possibility with Level 2 to small freehands (charged extra), when applicable
Nothing like this level 2 to play games that will literally come to life before your eyes and will remain in your memories for a long time!
Level 3: Contemplation
Even if we’re currently unable to illustrate the third and last level of quality for this service, it consists, as for the previous services, in the usage of all our painter’s skills for an impeccable final rendering. In general, we prefer to limit the “Contemplation” level to reasonable pieces like small dioramas or a particularly important and “central” piece of your table. Such a realization being always long and tedious, it implies:
– Stopping any other in progress project
– Using all the abilities of our painter
– Almost no obstacle to your requirements!
We will soon be able to show you what we are talking about, be patient!
Custom painting lessons
To upgrade your skills with passion and good mood
Tzeentch. The Architect of Change, the Weaver of Destinies. Who could pretend to know what dark and tortuous plan he has been fomenting in his unfathomable mind since the very birth of the universe? What you have to keep in mind is that he has a plan for each of us. What if your destiny was in fact to become a miniature painter yourself? Would you dare to go against your fate?

Whether you are a curious amateur, an initiated painter in search of new techniques, or a passionate player eager to discover new aspects of the Hobby, at Brutal Paint we offer you individual painting lessons adapted to all your needs!
Geographically located in the Grand-Est region of France, our painter JS is always ready to share his knowledge during fun and respectful sessions!
From total beginner to intermediate, do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about your situation and your objectives!
Price of our Custom Painting Lessons
15€ per hour, for all levels. That’s as simple as that!